If this counts. Filter: Black and White |
Here it is again, Filter: Coloured Pencil |
And again, Filter: Plastic Camera |
And one last time, Filter: None. |
Hi, I am Kitty, and this is my book review, storytelling and how to draw blog. I love to read and draw, and my favourite hobby is writing. My pen name for book reviews on The Guardian is Kat Winter, so don't worry, that's still me. Uh... I love drawing. And stuff.Yay! .................... Kitty, 7th April 2015
If this counts. Filter: Black and White |
Here it is again, Filter: Coloured Pencil |
And again, Filter: Plastic Camera |
And one last time, Filter: None. |
haha cool i tried my best please check out my account Kitty ~Charlie